Video Essays and Gen Z's Attention with Long-Form Content

A retro TV set symbolizing the return to long-form content

Okay, let's clear up a myth. Everyone says Gen Z is all about quick swipes, rapid-fire content, and tiny attention spans. But let's pull back the curtain and see what's really going on. This generation, often typecast for their love of quick content, is actually craving more. Much more.

You see them on TikTok, Instagram stories, and yes, they're there. But that's not the whole story. There's another, deeper layer to Gen Z engagement. They're diving headfirst into long-form content, and they're loving it. From video game walkthroughs to deep dives into TV series, Gen Z is showing they're not just about the quick fix.

The Rise of Video Essays and Gen Z's Fascination

There's a format that's particularly captivating Gen Z – the video essay. These aren't just casual videos; they're meticulously crafted narratives that delve into subjects with depth and nuance. Whether it's a breakdown of a movie's cinematography, an exploration of historical events, or a deep dive into a cultural phenomenon, video essays offer Gen Z the depth they're seeking.

Platforms like YouTube have seen an explosion of these video essays. Channels dedicated to dissecting films, analysing music, or even exploring philosophical questions have amassed significant Gen Z followings. Why? Because they offer a blend of entertainment and education. They're not just passive viewing experiences; they encourage active engagement, critical thinking, and discussion.

What's driving this deep dive? Well, it's pretty simple. Connection. They're not just looking to skim the headlines. They want to understand and feel connected to the story. Those hour-long video essays on YouTube? Gen Z is here for it. And they're not just watching; they're engaging, discussing, and sharing.

And guess what? Brands are catching on. They're moving away from quick sales pitches to real stories. Stories that resonate. And the dance between short-form and long-form content? It's happening. Short clips spark interest, and longer pieces satisfy the curiosity.

It goes beyond mere content length. It's about truly grasping Gen Z's desires. They're leading the way, reshaping the narrative, and revealing that the essence of content isn't its brevity, but its authenticity.

When we talk about long-form content, we're not just talking about extended minutes or word counts. We're talking about a more profound engagement, deeper dives, and genuine understanding. Here's why long-form content can be a game-changer:

  • Detailed Exploration: It allows for an in-depth exploration of topics, going beyond surface-level information.

  • Building Trust: Spending more time with an audience can establish a deeper level of trust and rapport.

  • Higher Engagement: When content is compelling, audiences tend to engage more, leading to more extended interactions and meaningful conversations.

  • SEO Boost: From an online strategy perspective, long-form content often ranks better in search engines, leading to organic traffic.

  • Showcasing Expertise: Long-form pieces can position a brand or individual as an authority in their field, showcasing their expertise and depth of knowledge.

So, if you're creating content or just trying to understand the landscape, here's the thing. Gen Z is inviting us all to think deeper, to be genuine, and to engage on a whole new level. It's an exciting time, and for those ready to dive in, the possibilities are endless.

Nigel Camp

Filmmaker with a focus on creating imaginative videos and impactful campaigns that deliver great outcomes.


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