The Art of the Interview — Why Being a Good Interviewer Matters in Video Production

A man and woman seated on chairs in a well-furnished office, preparing for an interview

Alright, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of video production, and I'm telling you, it's not just about the lights and the cameras. You know what gets overlooked? The interviewer. That's right, the person asking the questions, leading the conversation, setting the tone. This role isn't something you throw to someone five minutes before the shoot. Nope, it's an art.

Below is a breakdown of why having the right interviewer matters.

  • Scripted Soundbites: You want authenticity? Don't script every word. People can smell rehearsed lines a mile away. You've got to find the balance. A few key points, sure, but let the conversation flow. Be real because it shows.

  • Energy & Enthusiasm: Come on! Bring the fire! If you're not passionate about what you're asking, why should anyone else be? You've got to ignite that energy because trust me, it's contagious, and it shows on screen.

  • Missed Opportunities: It's not just about asking questions and is more about listening to the answers. If someone drops a gem, you better pick it up and run with it. Dig deep, explore, don't let those golden moments slip by.

  • Does the Interviewer Even Care?: If you're in the game, be in the game. Show some respect. You want insights? Care about what you're asking. Engage, connect, and make it worth their time.

  • Time Boundaries: Time is one of our most important currencies so don't steal someone's time. If you say it's a 30-minute interview, make it 30. If it needs more, communicate and be transparent.

  • Set Up Before You Show Up: This one's a no-brainer, but I see it all the time. Have the stage set before the main act arrives. Camera, lights, sound check – have it ready. Show some respect for the game.

The interviewer isn't just a part of the process and they have so much to do with the overall quality video content. Therefore, you better invest in training or find someone who knows what they're doing.

We're living in a world where video isn't just content. It's communication, branding, messaging. Don't let it fall short because you overlooked the interviewer. Recognize the value, play the game right, and watch how it transforms your brand.

So what are you waiting for? Time's ticking, and those cameras aren't going to roll themselves.

Nigel Camp

Filmmaker with a focus on creating imaginative videos and impactful campaigns that deliver great outcomes.


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